Find Therapy

It is a great relief to know that these resources are actually available.
— mother in Ohio

Help is available. All Along's individualized consultation on mental health and therapy can help you:

  • Find the right therapy.

  • Understand a mental health diagnosis.

  • Navigate the mental health system and insurance.

  • Figure out if your therapy is working for you.

Where & When
All Along provides services by phone and email to people living all over the US, parts of Canada, and sometimes abroad, at convenient times that fit in your schedule. Email to ask questions or schedule an initial consultation call for a search.

Individuals of all ages, couples, and families, with any kind of mental health concerns.

We usually start with a 30- to 60-minute phone consultation to discuss all that you’re looking for. You can continue for a treatment search or ask for another kind of assistance.

Phone and research services are $120/hour via card or PayPal. All Along provides an estimate for search services advance.

You never have to pay for services you're not satisfied with.
Your feedback is the way All Along continues to improve and grow! Please send a message with questions, suggestions, and thoughts.

Get started
You can click the contact button below or email with questions or to schedule.


Liz in Chicago wanted help with anxiety and the pressure of becoming a parent.
"I’d heard good reviews of your service but this far exceeded my expectations. Your thought, description, and emotional perception to what I was looking for made this a comfortable and welcoming experience. You could have simply given me names and numbers (what I was expecting) and I would have been satisfied, but the TLC you added to each therapist’s description took this experience to the next level. I feel so much more at ease. Thank you for your hard work! Sincerely appreciate it."
- Liz, Chicago resident, use phone consultation and comprehensive treatment search

After seeing [a therapist] from the well-researched list she provided me, I have hope again and the road ahead seems less daunting.
- Kansas City area resident

Angela Wysocki was trying to find a therapist for herself while dealing with a divorce and cross-country move.
"Working with Rachel made the incredibly scary process of finding a therapist feel really easy. Initially, I didn't even know how to start looking for help and felt like I didn't have the energy for it. Rachel guided me through the process and came back with a really solid list of options, all of whom accepted my insurance. I ended up with a therapist that has been so helpful for me as I've been going through my divorce and all the changes that have occurred alongside. I'd recommend this service to anyone seeking a new therapist!"
- Angela Wysocki, Chicago resident, used phone consultation and comprehensive treatment search

An Ohio resident wanted to help her daughter find mental health care in another state.
"You have covered so many bases--resources I could never know about. I am impressed with the way you have presented the information so clearly and succinctly to [her] and that you have included related suggestions. For me, having this information will help me to be supportive of [her] in her efforts to find what will work for her. It is a great relief to know that these resources are actually available to her."
- Ohio resident, used phone consultations and comprehensive treatment search

Chicagoan knew his mother needed a therapist and psychiatrist who spoke her language.
"Thank you for this very thoughtful and thorough data. Your work is impressive and beyond professional."
- Chicago resident, used phone consultation and comprehensive treatment search   -  Contact - Other projects:

Please note: All Along, LLC provides therapy-related expertise in a non-clinical context. Your confidentiality will be respected and All Along will never give away or sell your information. Please be aware that email and voicemail are limited in their confidentiality, and that All Along is an education-focused service rather than a HIPAA-bound healthcare agency. Services provided are designed for awareness, education, and convenience; they are not intended to diagnose or treat any issue, not designed for urgent or crisis situations, and not designed as comprehensive recommendations. Any action or payment is fully the choice of the participant, and All Along is not liable for any decisions made by other mental health professionals. If you're not completely satisfied with the services provided, please request a refund.